The Bible Our Guide
Christadelphians see the Bible as the only authoritative Word of God. We are Bible students, constantly reading and striving to understand its true message. It becomes our guide for daily life.
Christadelphians have no paid ministry, with duties voluntarily shared around as each member is able. Meetings are a simple affair, seeking to follow the teaching of the Bible as taught by the apostles in the first century AD.
Christadelphians worldwide use a reading chart developed ~150 years ago, as a common point for discussion while reading through the Bible each year.
Nurturing Families
Christadelphians are a tight-knit community, seeing each other as one family in Christ. In the uncertain society that we live, placing value on the family unit provides stability for all our members, both young and old.
Our membership includes several young families and we are committed to creating a safe environment for them to grow. The interaction across the ages brings joy to all. We hold a small but growing Sunday School most Sundays. Please contact us if you have children who may wish to attend.
Our young people join with nearby Christadelphians for Youth Group activities, while our older young people regularly meet with other Christadelphians across Birmingham and the UK to study, socialise and enjoy weekends away.
Caring for the Elderly
Christadelphians value their community and operate a range of care homes across the country.
This brings an element of care to our service, as we strive to care for each other’s needs and design events for all our members. The wisdom and experience of our senior members is valued by all.
We genuinely believe that the message of the Bible is something wonderful, providing core values to live by and a hope for the future.
Sharing the Bible's message can have a positive impact on the community.
Christadelphians undertake preaching work all over the world, passionate about sharing the hope of the Bible with all people.
The hope is available to anyone willing to read and turn to God, no matter who they are or where they live.
Caring for those in need is a central part of showing God's love.
Christadelphians run several welfare and aid programs to look after our community and God's people both in the UK and abroad.